Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pigpen - A Blues Singer

Pigpen - A Blues Singer

Look over yonder, tell me what do you see
10,000 people looking after me,
I may be famous or maybe no one
But in the end, all our races are run
Don’t make my race run in vain
Seem like there’s no tomorrow
Seem like all my yesterdays
were filled with pain
there’s nothing but darkness tomorrow…..

<P><I><G><P><E><N> - A Blues Singer 

is an independent film that
is being made in California AND being produced by
All I can say is that this must be an exciting time for these filmmakers
to bring to the big screen an incredibly talented person by the name
Ronald Charles McKernan , who was known as

<P><I><G><P><E><N> in the band Grateful Dead.

This is just a short and sweet congratulatory post for
Terry and Diana for having the courage and determination to bring
this man’s contribution to music and the blues in particular and weave
it into a movie.  I am looking forward with great anticipation to your
progress in this film.  The next post will be in May as I will be sending out
a Captain’s alert about your funding goals to make this a reality.
In the meantime, here’s a little bit of


Respecttfully in TRUTH,

Sole Owner of OrangeRace Card Angels

P.S. And please if you are a Dead Head go over and LIKE their
Facebook page
by clicking on the name below the arrows

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